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After a somewhat quiet 2016 on the new project side (thanks mainly to the Finance Ministry shenanigans), the outlook for 2017 looks promising indeed.

First up is our appointment for the Nelson Mandela Square HVAC upgrade project. This represents our biggest single project to date, spanning a two year period, commencing April 2017.

The project presents an enormous logistical challenge, reverting from an existing, now outdated inefficient water-cooled packaged unit system, to a state-of-the-art air-cooled chilled water plant with all the bells and whistles. First and foremost is the environment considerations in order to satisfy the “Green Building” expectations associated with a project of this type.

In this regard, optimum energy efficiency is a pre-requisite, as is the total lack of water usage, noise reduction and environmentally friendly refrigerant.

Implementing all this on a “live building” will, in its self, present a formidable challenge given the high caliber of tenant occupying the space.

Nevertheless, we look forward to the challenge with relish, but not without a touch of trepidation.

Another large project is looming down in King Williams Town. This presents a full Variable Refrigerant Flow installation to an existing building of some 14,000m² gross lettable area, Ground, 1st and 2nd floors.

Originally planned to be carried out on a live building, with a “swing floor” component, common sense has finally prevailed. The building will be vacated for the duration of the project, expected now to be between 6 months and a year.

The tender and procurement process is currently underway and should be completed by the end of April 2017. Project kick-off is expected 1st May 2017.

Being a fully government tenanted building, fortunately space is available elsewhere to accommodate the Departments for the duration of the project, albeit on a temporary basis.

Numerous smaller projects have been approved by the various clients, due for immediate commencement. Although of a relatively small nature, the sheer number of these provide for a very busy time going forward.

April sees the beginning of our professional airconditioning monitoring service to the Investec Property Portfolio. Starting off in a modest way, we anticipate real growth with Investec in this area and are looking forward to the challenge.

All in all, the outlook for 2017/2018 looks promising and RPM is well poised to take advantage of the improving financial situation in South Africa.

Patrick Burke
Group Managing Director

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