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Air conditioning upgrade and refurbishment. By July 2006, Nelson Mandela Square in Sandton City had already enjoyed some 12 years of trading.

Its tenancy was by now, well established and an experienced management team was in place. It was time to review its position in terms of energy management and green building
initiatives. The new owners were quick to identify the advantages on offer and a plan of action was adopted to address the various areas where energy saving measures could be implemented. As one of the main consumers of electrical energy, the air conditioning system came under close scrutiny. It was clear that the existing equipment was in need of an upgrade in the efficiency department, both in terms of mechanical and electrical performance, as well as cooling capacity output. A two-pronged approach was immediately implemented to address these aspects. Both steps would run concurrently.

Step One: Mechanical and Electrical Refurbishment . Over the next four years, an extensive upgrade programme was formulated. The programme commenced with the cooling towers, where each of the eleven systems were stripped, descaled, treated for corrosion and rebuilt to include new drives, fan wheels, bearings, eliminators and high efficiency heat transfer fill. To ensure optimum head pressure control and energy savings, each cooling tower was fitted with a variable speed drive, interfaced with the Building Management System.

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